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Feb. 15, 2024

Overcoming Obstacles | Al Simon

Overcoming Obstacles | Al Simon

Well folks, due to some unforeseen obstacles Mental Health Happy Hour will be getting rebranded. You can still expect the same martini glass logo but we are having to go through a name change.

As hard as this has been, we are determined to persevere through this bump in the road. With that being said, we figured "Overcoming Obstacles" would be a great title for episode 16.

Joining us for this episode is someone very near and dear to my heart, my dad Al Simon. Being a kid that grew up on welfare and food stamps, I watched my dad evolve into the business owner he is today. He went through constant battles, faced various obstacles, and had many times when he wanted to throw in the towel. Through it all my dad persevered and kept his eye on the end goal and it all came from the mindset he held throughout the journey.

So tune into episode 16 to get a look into what really happens when you are trying to chase your goals and dreams. It is not all peaches and cream, we can tell you that for sure.